Monday, May 16, 2016

The feeling is sooooo AMAZIINNGG when you know that you're being loved

       How do you know that you are being loved ?

      They think about you when you’re not around. They’ll take care of you when you’re sick. They listen to you. Really listen.They get into your interests and want to share their own with you. They plan for the future. Your thoughts and opinions are treated with respect. They are eager to help you, and gracious about accepting your help. They put your needs above their own. You know you can trust them. You never want to break the truth you’ve earned from them. They support you. You share a sense of humor. They give you freedom to grow. You are loyal to each other. They don’t put you down. They don’t hide anything from you. You are comfortable being silent or away from each other. They don’t let you get away with bad habits. They tell you that they love you…

   Can love be measured ? If yes, how? If no why?

       Love is not just an emotion. It’s not simply some uncontrollable feeling you fall in and out of. It doesn’t have to be here today and gone tomorrow. Nor does it ever have to leave you, in any relational context, if you don’t want it to. Love is immeasurable. Love is boundless. There has no observable limit. It cannot be placed in test tubes in a science laboratory or placed on the great scale of life to determine whether or not there’s enough. It’s not a handful of precious jewels you can place on a scale to determine its worth. It can’t be quantified, graded, or weighed. Love cannot be measured.

Why should we walk according to P.S. Castrence?

        This essay was written during the Japanese Occupation but it is as relevant today as it was then.There are all manners of walking. The ambling walking of the absorbed lovers, while satisfactory from the point of views of giving opportunity for sentimental discourse, is not so from the point of view of exercise. From the latter viewpoint, a brisk morning walk is the thing. You need not even plan it as a formal program. It is a relatively simple thing to walk to the office, or if that is too much because where you work is quite distant from your home, walk part of the way. Either choice you take, however, makes it worthwhile by deriving from it the exercise you need. Walk vigorously and enthusiastically. You can almost actually feel the blood circulating in your body with a briskness equal to the vim and zest you put into your walking.Walk and be healthy. Walk and save money.Walk and know yourself. You will be surprised to find out what an enjoyable companion you can be to yourself. Don’t be like the man who gets so bored being left alone with his thoughts that he has to have a book with him all the time he is not with people. Books have their place, too and an important place it is, but so have walking and getting acquainted with yourself. Just thresh out the little doubts you have regarding this and that, mull over remarks made by your friends or office mates, study the personalities you have come across during the day. It’s fascinating pastime. And all this while you are taking your constitutional walk.

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