Monday, May 9, 2016

Story of my Life

             Why accounting? My family and friends almost everyone has asked me that question. To be honest, I’ve been asking myself the same question every day. Growing up, it never crossed my mind that I would be an accountant. At first, the only reason I chose this course was to merely have a course of my own.I know it was stupid but sadly that's the truth. I don't have any favored course in mind. The only important thing in my mind that time was to have a course and never stop schooling. Other thing, accountancy was the favored course of my very own mother. For that, I gain a little confidence of pursuing this course. But that's just a bit of help because when the class started, I cannot compare myself to my classmates. They were just so amazing and smart. I think that my brain was much far from them. I'm not smart. I'm a late bloomer and that discourages me. I failed my first major subject in accounting. I thought of giving up. I thought of shifting course. Of course, I shattered my parents heart but I don't know where my notions came from when I told them that I will take again the subject that I'm failed to pass. I assured them that I will pass by the time I will retake. It saddened me big time. Aside of the time wasted, It dirtied my transcript of record. That was my fault actually because I took my major subject for granted. My focus was not dedicated in there completely. With all the clumsiness and burdensome experience, I still continued what I've started and still fighting. But there are circumstances that I consider to back down. Circumstances that I want to surrender but there, 
my ever beloved family, always telling words that could shoot directly to the heart.

        Now I'm going to be a third year accounting student and hopefully I could continue and finish. This will be an amazing gift I could offer to my family. I know God will never forsake us. He will be there whenever you needed help. Just call His name and pray wholeheartedly.


                                                      God Bless!!!

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