Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Future

         Future is a time that is to come. If you search it in the Merriam dictionary, it is an expectation of advancement or progressive development. Sometimes when I think what would be my future, it's frightening. What would happen if my desired future will be unsuccessful. It scares me but if I were to share what I wanted to happen in the future, that will be, of course to finish a degree and to get a stable job to sustain my family's daily needs. Buy a portion of land and build a house that I could call my own and to devote it as a shelter for my self-sacrificing parents. Buy them things they wished. I want to explore too. Go to places where I've never been. Eat food that I've never tasted. I want to eat ice cream more often. It's really my favorite. It relieves me from my reverie even for just a little time. I want to be good in playing DOTA. I know its sound stupid but I'm yearning for it. I want my future to be prosperous but I know there will always be challenges that test us. Whether we will fight or just instantly surrender. I know God has the best plan for me that will put me in the right track. All we need to do is trust and have a deep faith. I surrender all to Him. I need also to do my part and that is to pray to Him wholeheartedly and strive harder in my studies because I know He will do the rest.

                                                           God Bless !!!!  :D

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