Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Family Traditions

       My Family Traditions 

  • Family Prayer

          For religious families, prayer is an important ritual. Family prayer doesn’t have to be just a dinnertime thing. You can pray as a family before everyone leaves in the morning, before everyone goes to bed, or both. Our family has prayers at night.

  • Eating with Hands (Kamayan)

              Eating with your hands or kamayan is another common Filipino tradition. For many Filipinos, kamayan gives full taste to the food instead of using utensils. Gather a small portion of meat or fish and a bite-sized portion of rice on your plate. Then use all your fingers to gather the food into a small mountain or mound. Pick up the little mound and put it in your mouth using your thumb to gently push the food in.
  • Mano Po

             Some young Filipinos right now especially those who grew up abroad might have limited idea what the “Mano Po” means. “Mano Po” is actually a Filipino tradition wherein elders give blessings to the younger person.  The one who is receiving the blessing would bow their head, take the right hand of the elder (of their right hand as well), and place it on their forehead.   It’s a sign of respect as well to the elder persons when someone younger than them asked for their hands to “Mano”.

  • Attending Sunday Masses                      
                       We always wake up early to attend the first mass.
  • Celebrating Birthdays
                      We never forget one's birthday because it brings joy to the celebrant and a way to get closer in each member of the family.
  •       All Soul's Day 

                       We always have time for our loved ones who already paased away.Set mass for them and light the candles.

                                God Bless !!!


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