Tuesday, May 3, 2016


                                       Who Am I
                                                                 Brian Joseph Sy

                                            Who am I to blindly believe that
                                  I can become parcel of this sacred ground?

                                        To pretend that I am a strong wind

                                             to guide your ever sturdy wings

                                  Who am I to change this persistent blue rain?
                                  To pretend that I can wash the sorrows away
                                               from your ever beating heart

                                    Who am I to care for this mortified soul?
                                     To pretend that sanctity ascends in my
                                                       figureless touch… 

                                   I am none. Transcending only the littlest of
                                       existence only meager eyes could see.
                                                  In the skies I plead alms
                                              to catch your merciful grace;
                                                                    To rescue me from this 
                                                lonesome cloud of misery 
                                                          that I call self  

                                                                         Vener Santos

                                                         Days will pass,
                                                 And things will grow old.
                                                       Flowers will bloom,
                                                      And soon will decay.
                                                 But when friendship starts,
                                            All of the year it will remain fresh.

                                                    Friends will grow old,
                                                 But friendship will never.
                                                  As long as we both care,
                                               It will remain young forever.
                                              Death will separate it on earth,
                                                But it will reborn in heaven.

                                              Now I Know

                                                       Jose Paulo Tolentino 

                                        Seven months felt like seven years

                                          and now I face my greatest fears

                                            Why before I could never wait

                                           but now I know the heavy weight.

                                             In a strange world, a mad ci
                                                it is tough to be an adult
                                                 you take responsibility
                                              to bear frustration and insult  

                                         There are days I would like to die

                                               life is not pretty as it seem

                                        Leave this and what do I redeem?

                                          many I have learned is just a lie

                                          They say I should create a goal
                                         Love and life is what you make it
                                          but somehow it just could not fit
                                                All I have is a hollow soul 

                                        From here I don't know where to go
                                               Being an adult, now I know. 

                                                  By R. Vinzons Asis

 I remembered God and I came
asking bread, became
tearfully insistent, heard
only ringing hunger: no word

So I left, cursing
but the thunder of my words
were as raindrops falling.

Saw God in my hunger:
heard his voice ringing
in my ears; saw the beauty
of his silence.

Salvador B. Espinas

Love is gentle, love is quiet
Like any distant star
Love is beauty, love is music
Soothing as night winds are.

Love is patient and unselfish
Divine, true, neutral, fair –
Love is ageless and immortal,
Lost love is just somewhere

And the heart that abandons,
Nurses a tender scar,
Softly stabbing, and yet sweetly
Soothing as night winds are.

         Salvador Espinas is a man who was an author.In a local city from Zambales, and the author of SOOTHING AS THE NIGHT WINDS ARE. It means love is unconditional. You can never predict what love is. Love can make things go right and beast will turning to a Good Samaritan.

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