Monday, May 16, 2016

The feeling is sooooo AMAZIINNGG when you know that you're being loved

       How do you know that you are being loved ?

      They think about you when you’re not around. They’ll take care of you when you’re sick. They listen to you. Really listen.They get into your interests and want to share their own with you. They plan for the future. Your thoughts and opinions are treated with respect. They are eager to help you, and gracious about accepting your help. They put your needs above their own. You know you can trust them. You never want to break the truth you’ve earned from them. They support you. You share a sense of humor. They give you freedom to grow. You are loyal to each other. They don’t put you down. They don’t hide anything from you. You are comfortable being silent or away from each other. They don’t let you get away with bad habits. They tell you that they love you…

   Can love be measured ? If yes, how? If no why?

       Love is not just an emotion. It’s not simply some uncontrollable feeling you fall in and out of. It doesn’t have to be here today and gone tomorrow. Nor does it ever have to leave you, in any relational context, if you don’t want it to. Love is immeasurable. Love is boundless. There has no observable limit. It cannot be placed in test tubes in a science laboratory or placed on the great scale of life to determine whether or not there’s enough. It’s not a handful of precious jewels you can place on a scale to determine its worth. It can’t be quantified, graded, or weighed. Love cannot be measured.

Why should we walk according to P.S. Castrence?

        This essay was written during the Japanese Occupation but it is as relevant today as it was then.There are all manners of walking. The ambling walking of the absorbed lovers, while satisfactory from the point of views of giving opportunity for sentimental discourse, is not so from the point of view of exercise. From the latter viewpoint, a brisk morning walk is the thing. You need not even plan it as a formal program. It is a relatively simple thing to walk to the office, or if that is too much because where you work is quite distant from your home, walk part of the way. Either choice you take, however, makes it worthwhile by deriving from it the exercise you need. Walk vigorously and enthusiastically. You can almost actually feel the blood circulating in your body with a briskness equal to the vim and zest you put into your walking.Walk and be healthy. Walk and save money.Walk and know yourself. You will be surprised to find out what an enjoyable companion you can be to yourself. Don’t be like the man who gets so bored being left alone with his thoughts that he has to have a book with him all the time he is not with people. Books have their place, too and an important place it is, but so have walking and getting acquainted with yourself. Just thresh out the little doubts you have regarding this and that, mull over remarks made by your friends or office mates, study the personalities you have come across during the day. It’s fascinating pastime. And all this while you are taking your constitutional walk.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Reaction On like a Molave

  Like The Molave

          The main interpretation of the Filipino poem Like The Molave is regarding how the people of the Philippines must work to make the nation stronger. The poem states that a region of the Philippines - Rizal - cannot yet rest, as there is still much work to be done to make the area successful. At the beginning of the poem, the poet pertains how the Philippines is dependent on other nations, and must work towards becoming independent in the future in order to support its citizens. Like The Molave also highlights the importance of the younger generation, and how they must fight for their country and improve the Filipino way of living. The poet believes this will grant the nation freedom. Like The Molave also talks about heroes and how they inspire regular Filipinos to be great themselves and join them on the quest to make the Philippines a more prosperous place. The poem states that whilst many Filipinos are achieving great things for their country, there is still much more to be done and more residents must contribute to the efforts. In short, Like The Molave is about inspiring the Filipino nation to improve their country and make it self-sufficient and independent.

God Bless !!! :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Love Philippines because...

 ..... of the Daring and Surprisingly Amazing Beauty of Nature!!!!!!


                                                 Cagayan Whitewater Rafting
      From Whitewater Rafting in Cagayan, a 4x4 ride on the sand dunes of Ilocos Norte, doing the Spiderman at Lignon Hill in Legazpi, to an unforgettable ATV ride through the different terrains of Mayon Volcano, Luzon has so many activities that can make you feel carefree and spontaneous. Shout "YOLO!" on the top of your lungs.

                                                                  ATV ride to Mayon

Doing the Spiderman Zipline at Lignon Hill

Paoay Sand Dunes in Ilocos Norte
Nothing can beat a spontaneous road trip while cruising down the highway with the sun kissing your car windows. Imagine yourself with your family or friends, listening to your favorite travel soundtrack while sharing interesting life stories and visiting your favorite stopover locations.

Sunset in Tagaytay 


Baler is the provincial capital of Aurora Province and it is a famous spot for Surfing enthusiasts. September to February is Baler’s surfing season and during these months, the waves in Baler can go as high as 9 feet. Aside from surfing spots, Baler is also famous for its Historical and Heritage sites. Visit our Baler Travel GuideBaler Heritage Walk Guide and Baler Adventure Guide posts.

Mayon Volcano
Located on the southern foothills of the scenic Mount Mayon, Legazpi City in Albay is one of the most famous road trip destinations in Luzon.
Malabsay Falls

Rice Terraces in Batad 
Banaue in Ifugao Province is one of the Philippines’ most popular and visited tourists attraction. Two of the terrace clusters in Banaue, namely Bangaan and Batad, are part of the UNESCO World Heritage inscription. Other tourist attractions in Banaue include Banaue Viewpoint Rice Terraces, Batad Rice Terraces, Bangaan Rice Terraces, Tappiyah Waterfalls, Guihob Natural Pool, Chapah Waterfalls, Ducligan Hot Spring, Banaue Museum, Museum of Cordillera Sculpture, Tam-an Village, Matanglag Bronze Smith and Nuntamangan Village, Bocos Village, Poitan Village, Cambulo Village and Pula Village.

Rock climbing in Echo Valley In Sagada

A favorite climb for many, Mt. Pulag is in mountaineer's bucket list.

Boracay Fly Fish

White Water Rafting in Cagayan De Oro


Isla De Gigantes, Iloilo

It takes a rough sea crossing to get to Isla De Gigantes, but these islands in Iloilo province make the trip worth it. Towering craggy cliffs and dreamy sandbars make these islands one of the most picturesque places in Panay, and in the entire Visayas.


Stunning beaches are one thing; looking at them from the top of a 50-foot drop is another. In the tiny island of Siquijor, intrepid travelers jump off cliffs into the island’s clear, welcoming waters. If Salagdoong Beach’s vibrant turquoise does not entice you enough to either take the plunge or keep clicking, jump on a motorbike and drive around the tiny island, visiting Lazi’s Cambugahay Falls and 400-year-old balete tree.

Tumalog Falls, Cebu
               Most waterfalls are tall ang raging; Tumalog Falls, located in inland Oslob in Cebu, is the opposite: its waters come down its moss-covered face in dreamy, steady drizzles. As most waterfalls go, the way to Tumalog is difficult, although most of the road is paved. Getting here requires hiring either a habal-habal or car to make the very steep ascent from the highway and then go down by foot along yet another steep downhill to the waterfalls.

  Chocolate Hills

 Despite the powerful October 2013 earthquake that destroyed parts of it (as well as some prized historical structures all over Bohol and Cebu), nothing can take away the grandeur of the iconic Chocolate Hills. Local lore puts the mounds to be a giant’s teardrops, but whether you subscribe to this belief or not, the limestone mounds look surreal no matter the angle from which you’re looking. TheChocolate Hills is located in Carmen, 30 to 45 minutes by bus from Tagbilaran, Bohol.

Biri Rock Formation, Samar

          Part of the more than 5,000-hectare Biri Larosa Protected Landscape and Seascape in Northern Samar, the Biri Rock Formation is a series of gigantic, rough-hewn rock formations facing the Pacific. The otherworldly landscape of Biri is purely nature’s handiwork, from the craggy boulders to the inviting natural pools at the base.

Bohol, Panglao & Balicasag :The best balance of underwater adventures

Adventure in Balanan
Balanan Lake in Sandulot, Siaton for a relaxing nature-trip.

A Diver’s Haven: Apo Island
Apo Island is a 72-hectare, 200-meter high volcanic island about 5 kilometers off the municipality of Dauin in Negros Oriental. It has 5 pocket beaches of white pebbles, 2 mangrove lagoons, and a lighthouse.

The Highest Peak in Central Visayas
Mt. Kanlaon is one of the peaks found in the north-central portion of Negros Island. It is the highest peak in the central Philippines.
Mabinay Spring

Mabinay Spring is a perfect recreational venue for family and friends. It offers kayaking, swimming, and other exciting activities.

Danasan Eco Adventure Park: The Total Nature Tripper 
Danao City, Cebu

Sky is the Limit at the Sky Experience Adventure
Tower 1, Crown Regency Hotel and Towers, Fuente OsmeƱa Blvd. | Cebu City, 6000 Philippines


Falls in Iligan City

Tinago Falls

Maria Christina

Maria Christina Falls

Limunsudan Falls

Limunsudan Falls
Deemed as one of the premier tourist magnets in Iligan, Maria Christina Falls and Tinago Falls have really lived up to Iligan’s moniker as the City of Majestic Waterfalls. 


Sta. Cruz Island

Maxima Aqua Fun

Maxima Aqua Fun

Babu Santa Beach

Babu Santa Beach

Paradise Island Beach

Paradise Island Beach

Dakak Beach in Dapitan, Zamboanga 

River Cruise

River Cruises

Rizal Shrine

Rizal Shrine

Fantasy Land

Fantasy Land
Considered as a diving paradise located in the Northern part of Zamboanga, there is still just so much to see and to do in Dapitan. Dakak Park and Beach Resort for example is acknowledged for its beautiful coral reefs and rich, scenic refuge of diverse marine flora and fauna. In addition to that, Dapitan is also famous for its Rizal Shrine, and inspiring Historical Walking Tour.


Surfing in Siargao

Naked Island

Naked Island

Dako Island

Hailed as one of the best surfing spots in the Philippines, Siargao has a whole lot more to showcase, drawing the interest of tourists coming from diverse walks of life. Apart from its surfing haven, Siargao is adored for its pristine beaches, rich marine life and relaxing atmosphere.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Future

         Future is a time that is to come. If you search it in the Merriam dictionary, it is an expectation of advancement or progressive development. Sometimes when I think what would be my future, it's frightening. What would happen if my desired future will be unsuccessful. It scares me but if I were to share what I wanted to happen in the future, that will be, of course to finish a degree and to get a stable job to sustain my family's daily needs. Buy a portion of land and build a house that I could call my own and to devote it as a shelter for my self-sacrificing parents. Buy them things they wished. I want to explore too. Go to places where I've never been. Eat food that I've never tasted. I want to eat ice cream more often. It's really my favorite. It relieves me from my reverie even for just a little time. I want to be good in playing DOTA. I know its sound stupid but I'm yearning for it. I want my future to be prosperous but I know there will always be challenges that test us. Whether we will fight or just instantly surrender. I know God has the best plan for me that will put me in the right track. All we need to do is trust and have a deep faith. I surrender all to Him. I need also to do my part and that is to pray to Him wholeheartedly and strive harder in my studies because I know He will do the rest.

                                                           God Bless !!!!  :D

Monday, May 9, 2016

Story of my Life

             Why accounting? My family and friends almost everyone has asked me that question. To be honest, I’ve been asking myself the same question every day. Growing up, it never crossed my mind that I would be an accountant. At first, the only reason I chose this course was to merely have a course of my own.I know it was stupid but sadly that's the truth. I don't have any favored course in mind. The only important thing in my mind that time was to have a course and never stop schooling. Other thing, accountancy was the favored course of my very own mother. For that, I gain a little confidence of pursuing this course. But that's just a bit of help because when the class started, I cannot compare myself to my classmates. They were just so amazing and smart. I think that my brain was much far from them. I'm not smart. I'm a late bloomer and that discourages me. I failed my first major subject in accounting. I thought of giving up. I thought of shifting course. Of course, I shattered my parents heart but I don't know where my notions came from when I told them that I will take again the subject that I'm failed to pass. I assured them that I will pass by the time I will retake. It saddened me big time. Aside of the time wasted, It dirtied my transcript of record. That was my fault actually because I took my major subject for granted. My focus was not dedicated in there completely. With all the clumsiness and burdensome experience, I still continued what I've started and still fighting. But there are circumstances that I consider to back down. Circumstances that I want to surrender but there, 
my ever beloved family, always telling words that could shoot directly to the heart.

        Now I'm going to be a third year accounting student and hopefully I could continue and finish. This will be an amazing gift I could offer to my family. I know God will never forsake us. He will be there whenever you needed help. Just call His name and pray wholeheartedly.


                                                      God Bless!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Expectations for the Next President in the year 2016


Philippine Flag

         Being a good citizen in the Philippines, we must be aware and guided of who will lead us through God-fearing, just and humane country. We need to establish a government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations. We need to choose a leader that will always consider the welfare of his people,rich and especially the poor. He or she must restore the trust and confidence of Filipinos to government. He or she must eliminate the culture of corruption in our country. He or she must implement a real job generation program and ensure that all stolen people’s money be returned to the government for the recovery of our nation. He or she must lead by example. I expect the next president to ease the hardships we are suffering by showing his skills in leading our people to prosperity.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Wonders of Negros Oriental

       Negros Oriental, also called Oriental Negros or "Eastern Negros", is a province of the Philippines located in the Central Visayas region. It occupies the southeastern half of the island of Negros, with Negros Occidental comprising the northwestern half. It also includes Apo Island, a popular dive site for both local and foreign tourists. Negros Oriental faces Cebu to the east across the TaƱon Strait and Siquijor to the south east. The primary spoken language is Cebuano, and the predominant religious denomination is Roman Catholicism. Dumaguete City is the capital, seat of government, and most populous city.

Apo Island
              Apo Island is one of the world's best known community-organized marine sanctuaries, and as such it has been well documented by the global science community. The project was started when Dr. Angel Alcala, a marine scientist from the  Silliman University Marine Laboratory explained to the local fishermen the importance of creating a marine sanctuary in the area. Initially, there was hesitation on the part of the locals; but after a 3-year dialogue, Dr. Alcala was able to convince the island community to establish the sanctuary. Assisted by the staff of the SU Marine Laboratory in 1982, the local fishermen selected an area along 450 meters of shoreline and extending 500 meters from shore as the sanctuary site. Since then, the project initiated on the island led to the creation of hundreds of other marine sanctuaries in the Philippines.

   Lake Balanan                

             Lake Balanan is a freshwater lake surrounded by lush forests and mountain ranges in the southern portion of Negros Oriental. This natural attraction has been developed into a mountain resort providing hotel accommodations and vast selection of fun outdoor activities.
In 1925, the lake was formed after a tectonic quake caused landslides that consequently blocked the southern end of the Balanan River. The natural dam now covers 25 hectares in surface area which makes it ideal for water sports and activities, including kayaking and boating
Cangmating Beach
                      The Cangmating beach is on the top 5 beaches in Dumaguete Philippines because it does not only have a wonderful view of the nearby island of Cebu, but also because you have a beach that has perfect conditions for wake boarding. This beach has a perfect low tide wherein water is left at the beach for wake boarding. During the afternoons, you will find many young people at this beach trying out their new wake board tricks. Another great feature about this beach is that its high tide is also very low and you can practically sunbath in the shallow water which is not only refreshing, but also fun.
Dauin Beach
                 Dauin is a place that is around 15 minutes away from the downtown Dumaguete area and this place has the closest you can get to white sand in the Dumaguete are which is why it is in the list of the top 5 beaches in Dumaguete Philippines. The Dauin Beaches are all part of protected marine sanctuaries which means that you have to pay a small fee in order to swim or in order to snorkel around, but the marine life at the Dauin beaches is stunning and full of coral reefs where you can see cabbage corals and giant clams.
Kanlaon volcano

   The volcano is a favorite spot for mountain climbers and is the centerpiece of Mount Kanlaon Natural Park, a national park originally established on August 8, 1934. It is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines and part of the Pacific ring of fire.

Buglasan Festival

                     Buglasan Festival is Negros Oriental's annual provincial festival held every October. The festivity recalls Negros Island's developing stages, back when its cultural characteristics were just starting to form.

Aug 14, 2015

Yagyag Festival

“Yagyag” is the vernacular for spawning, to lay eggs or spread, propagate and grow. the process refers in the particular to the crabs and the other marine creatures that gather during the months of October to December in Sapa, one of spring found in Brgy. Cangmating of Sibulan

Pulang Bato Falls

PULANG BATO FALLS – A large cascade of seemingly reddish water from the main Pulangbato Falls in Pulangbato, Valencia, finds its way into some unique shaped falls all the way down the mountain.
